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Liverpool Phil Harmonic hall Music room gig.

had a great gig last night at the Liverpool, Phil Harmonic Music room. it was sold out. thank you to so many of you for coming out last night to support me! Special thanks to the 2 mats and Luke for doing an excellent job on the sound and lights. ian was also a big help in the preparation before hand. Sadly He never got to see the result due to illness. get well soon Ian. Also special thanks to Ayo, Dove and everyone else who helped make this gig possible.

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I was bored… In my sleep! Video addition.

I was bored… In my sleep! But now I’ve got a whole bunch of videos to show you.Just head to my Facebook group to check them out. These are my latest videos and also an interview conducted by Disney’s Bob Jackson about what it was like for me being blind and in lockdown at the height of the pandemic.

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I was bored… In my sleep! A new blog series.

Hello and welcome to my all new blog.From now on my blog will have a whole new revamp! Hope you enjoy this series and find these entertaining reads! Here is the first one for your delectation. I was bored… In my sleep! So I decided to check my mailbox and there I found… an Email from Welsh duo Iona and andy. They’ve asked me to do a gig on the 9th of April next year at the Chatsworth house hotel in Llandudno as part of a festival organised by Iona entertainments. I’ll be performing on the same stage as another duo that I’ve also known for years, Catherine Craig and Brian Willoughby. Catherine did the backing vocals for my first album at the legendary RCA studio B where Elvis once recorded. It’ll be an emotional reunion!

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